Is Texting the New Smoking?
Yes, it 's that bad and harmful to your health!
While issues of spinal degeneration and postural changes have always been major concerns, they are now becoming even more prevalent. Many media sources are finally recognizing and discussing them. The term being used is "Text Neck". I have seen recent articles in the Washington Post as well as segments on the CBC and CBS. The term was obviously coined due to the overwhelming amount of people who regularly have their neck flexed for hours at a time while texting or using a handheld device. This posture increases the weight of the head and speeds up the degenerative process of the spine. The result is acute neck and back pain as well as a deterioration of peoples’ health, affecting the brain and entire nervous system.
One of the main things we focus on in our practice is correcting the cervical curvature in the neck (Text Neck) which relieves pressure on the spinal cord. This pressure and interference of communication between the brain and the body is the reason why recent articles and media exposure have mentioned the connection between Text Neck and heart disease, lung issues, depression, immune function and overall healing.
Eliminating stress on the brain is essential to all health. A stressed brain can not heal or allow the brain to function properly. When people get frustrated with their diets, medications and any number of treatment methods that don't seem to be working, in most cases it's not that they don't work, it's that these people have a communication issue between their brain and body. Once corrected, these methods have the opportunity to work. There is an avalanche of recent research showing the reason why Chiropractic works, regardless of the technique used. The fact is, a Chiropractic adjustment affects the brain and help neutralize stress. Research in the field of Neuroscience is developing quickly and will soon revolutionize our health care system. We must shift from a system built on “Sick Care” to one based on “Health Care”.
If you want to learn more, please use this link to some of our past workshops (password= stress). There is NO OBLIGATION! This information has to be shared because of how common it is and how many people can be helped.
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